Planning a wedding with 40k euro
The biggest factors to consider when setting a budget are the ones which will have the most impact on your spend. We are talking about guest number and venue. Guest number in particular has a direct correlation on the amount you will spend in the other areas of planning i.e. catering, stationery, staff, decor, linen and tableware, music (more guests tends to mean more requirements on music throughout the day and into the night). With an average wedding currently sitting at 60-80 guests, you need to think whether having fewer guests will enable you to have more budget for the things you want on your day.
What you spend and on what will depend on your own priorities. There are suppliers who will charge more than the prices included in this example and some will charge less. Every wedding is different and everyone’s dream of their day is different too. This budget breakdown is for a wedding that, in our opinion, is of a good standard…
We implore you to go into this part of planning accepting you are on a budget and that you will have limited supplier options at the price points suggested. You won’t have the support of a planner and will have a lot of work to do without the expertise behind you. If you can trade something else for a planner, we would recommend doing this.
A lower budget and limited support does not mean you cannot pull off this wedding but merely be sensible and practical from the start. Andiamo (let’s go)!
60 people
3 nights
25 guests on site
24 guests reimburse you 80 euro pp pn
Other events do not include both - food and drink
All wedding food and drink requirements covered by caterer. Unlimited wine, wedding cake etc
Photo: Josephine Elvis
Let’s breakdown the costs:
60 people
3 nights
All guests on site
58 guests reimburse you 100 euro pp pn (assumes venue is higher standard, hotel services)
Other events do not include food and drink
All wedding food and drink requirements covered by caterer. Unlimited wine, wedding cake etc.
Photo: Marta Ilardo Photography
Let’s breakdown the costs:
How to secure lower costs:
Book out of season
Book for a weekday
Book a venue through Airbnb or similar (BUT…please for the love of god see our Free Venue Guide and ensure you have everything clear before booking – hidden costs can arise)
Get a venue with wet weather option built into the cost
Use one musician / DJ all day
Work with lesser known vendors (but get reviews!!!!)
Have your dinner and dancing in the same space – so less lighting needed
Negotiate carefully. Suppliers work very hard and paying them well will guarantee you the best service
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