Looking after yourself as a business owner

Running your own business isn’t easy at the best of times, especially not in the midst of this pandemic. Today, our founder Lucy is sharing 3 ways she looks after her businesses and herself.

For Business Health:

1. Set goals. I take time once a month to review the month gone by and set goals for the month ahead. This makes sure each area of the business has a goal attached to it and nothing drops behind. I communicate the goals to the team so we know what we’re all working towards and aligned in our priorities. We can also then celebrate when goals are met! Our favourite way to do so is with a prosecco zoom!

2. Invest in systems and people - so you can focus on what sets your soul on fire. It took me a long time to learn that I don’t have to do everything in my business. I can strip out some of the things I don’t like and someone else, or an automated system might actually enjoy doing them.

3. Pick 3 things and do them every day. After all consistency is key. I do the same 3 to move my business forward. For you that could be posting on Instagram, replying to enquiry emails, spending 1 hour of thinking time on that new product you want to launch.

For mental and physical health:

1. Get those boundaries clear. It took me 5 years to realise that evening calls didn’t work for me. By the end of the day I’m really tired and not able to give my clients my best. Once I’d wrestled the people pleaser inside, I stopped doing evening calls and made myself available first thing, at lunchtime and on Saturday’s so my clients can always find a time to reach me when I’m at my best.

2. Trust your gut (and get to know it). Another slow and hard lesson, my gut is always right. I spend time tuning into it and noticing when it’s trying to tell me something.

3. Create a comfort toolkit and make it a daily non-negotiable. Especially while covid’s around, being gentle with myself is more important than ever. I’ve created a list of things that make me feel good. I promise myself I will do at least one of these during my working day, every day.

For more business advice and to find out how La Lista can support you to grow your business, click here.

Written by Lucy White, CEO of La Lista & Wiskow & White, with over 5 years and 150 weddings worth of experience.


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