How to find your wedding venue


Finding your wedding venue is arguably the most important decision you’ll make in your wedding planning journey. It’s also one of the first decisions you make, when you’re still learning about how this whole thing works. But we’ve got your back. We want you to go into the process feeling calm and confident, able to get all of the info that you need to make the best decision for you and your guests. After all once you’ve slapped down a venue deposit, there’s no going back.

So, where to start? You’ve seen lots of lovely venue pics on insta and Pinterest, loads of lovely weddings…may even have started a spreadsheet….it’s time to take a step back and start right from the beginning. 


We love a list…so it’s not surprising that this is the first place we’d start. Buy yourself a lovely notebook and brain dump what you think your priorities are. Are certain areas of Italy out of the question? Do you want a day rental, or 3 nights? Or are both options? What number of beds is your minimum? Are you having a ceremony on site, or will there be on the day travel involved? Are the venue flexible on suppliers? See our ticklist download for more things to consider, ultimately - what’s important to you?


Maybe you like a range of styles, Borgo, grand villa, something art-deco. Does it have to have a certain view? Collect a mood board with aspects of other wedding venues that you like, even if you know they are out of budget…


There are plenty of ways to find venues thanks to Instagram, planner sites and directories. Sadly most of them offer little in the way of detailed info and all require sometimes many conversations to get all of the info you need. And that’s just the start, the information doesn’t factually tell you whether this is a good place to hold the wedding you’re trying to create.

If you haven’t hired a planner, this is a good time to make the move. Understanding the type of celebration you’re looking to create, staying impartial and finding your perfect venue is literally their job. They’ll take away all the time consuming stuff and add value tenfold, leading you to your ideal venue. Remember that only the really popular venues have good marketing presence – you’re missing some gems. They’ll be your local expert on hand and on the ground, to do all the digging and even take you on virtual tours.

If you know what venue you want, it can still be a great idea to engage a planner that knows it well before you book the venue…contracts can sometimes exclude costs and restrictions and a planner will ensure everything is clear from the start.


We’ve done this part for you! Find our venue download with all the staples you need to have answered.


1. Start with an open mind. “We initially dreamt of a Tuscan wedding. After visiting various beautiful villas in the heart of Tuscany we completely changed location and vision. Our hearts fell in love with Lake Como and we knew that it would by far give our guests the best experience, something that was very important to us.” Louise & David

2. Calculate your lower and upper budget limits. If your venue has accommodation, make this calculation: ((Number of beds x your ideal cost per room) x nights)) + your contribution = wedding venue budget.

3. Narrow down to a short shortlist. Venue tours are overwhelming. It’s better to visit 3 venues that you think you’ll love, than 10 just to feel like you’ve seen lots of options. Trust your gut and have a much clearer mind when you’re making such an important decision.

And don’t forget to check out the amazing member venues we have. All 100% transparent, lovely to work with and focused on you and your day. More lovely venue members coming soon!

Written by Lucy White, CEO of La Lista & Wiskow & White, with over 8 years and 200 weddings worth of experience.


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