Calleo Audio Guest Book
Collect messages of love, humour, and a little bit of mischief, with CALLEO.
A Calleo Audio Guest Book phone is a Vintage Style telephone which records messages from your guests at your wedding. Hiring a CALLEO Audio Guest Book for your wedding day is easy. A vintage-style telephone, chosen to your style of colour to fit your theme, is delivered to you before your wedding. Then, guests simply pick up the handset, listen to a greeting message you’ve prerecorded, wait for the beep, and leave you a message the same way they would a voicemail. There’s no limit to how many messages guests can leave!
Once your wedding is over, CALLEO Audio Guest Book collates all messages into your Audio Guest Book. Listen back to the messages containing an embarrassing story, grandad's sentimental words or your oldest school pals singing. Hearing your guests' memories and emotions is a brilliant momento.
Key information
Price from €399