Epic engagements: real-brides tell their story

It’s engagement season (woo-hoo) and we thought we would share some epic engagement stories from our real-life couples in the La Lista Facebook community.

From private helicopter rides in New Zealand to festive fun in London…these guys have some stories!

If you’ve just got engaged and would like other awesome couples to chat to about your Italian wedding, join the Facebook Group now and get involved.


Your engagement story - what went down!

"Denis proposed in February 2018 (yes we have had a long engagement!) at the top of a mountain in Wanaka, called Coromandel Peak (in New Zealand). We had just finished a 4-day hike through the Fiordlands and were spending a couple of days in Queenstown to rest and recover. That morning, Denis said he had gotten a deal for us to take a helicopter tour around Wanaka lakes as a surprise after finishing the hike, so we headed off to the helicopter place and I was none the wiser. When we got there they asked whether they could send up a promo photographer with us because it was a cloudless day, and there was an extra seat in the helicopter - this made complete sense to me so again I didn't suspect a thing!"

"Once we were up in the air the pilot started giving us a bit of a tour around the lakes and the history, and then said that he could land on one of the peaks if we wanted because he had a few hours before his next tour, and this way the photographer could get some better shots. When we landed, the photographer asked if we wouldn't mind being in some of the shots from a distance, and sent us out to the edge of the peak where the best view was. I had my back turned, enjoying the view and blissfully unaware of what was going on when Denis said 'Erika I have a question for you' and I turned around to him on one knee. Honestly, it was such a shock, and I think the first words out of my mouth may have been 'omg no' which was probably not the reaction he was hoping for! Obviously, he got a yes out of me once the shock had worn off, and the pilot pulled out a bottle of bubbles for a celebratory toast."

What did you love the most about how your partner proposed?

"I loved that it was an absolute and complete surprise - I genuinely had no idea it was happening. We'd been together for five years and discussed marriage but always said we'd wait until we owned our own home before paying for a wedding (which, thanks to COVID delaying our wedding, we now do!). In hindsight I can see the signs, for example before we left for the helicopter tour Denis said I should wear something nice because we were going to my favourite Wanaka restaurant afterwards (being me I refused to wear something nice because I just wanted to be comfortable after a 55km hike!), but I was completely oblivious at the time. He even had a ring made for me based on something I'd pointed out years before - it was just all so thoughtful and I was overwhelmed by the effort he had put in to surprise me."

Did anything not go to plan?

"Nothing major - I did nearly catch him putting the ring in his sock before we left, he had pretended to forget his phone in the room and doubled back for the ring but I had actually left my phone in the room (classic) so followed him a minute later. Luckily he had already tucked it away! Other than that the only thing I possibly may have changed is that I would have listened to Denis and worn a nice dress, and maybe put some make-up on and done my hair for the photos - but I think the pictures capture the joy and surprise of the moment which is the most important thing!"

Thanks so much to the wonderful Erika & Denis for sharing her engagement story with us! You can see more from Erika on Instagram @erikarosenz


How did you both meet?

"Evan and I met at a crowded bar 7 years ago in Toronto, Canada, and have been inseparable ever since. Although we both went to the same University, it took us both moving to Toronto to actually meet."

Tell us your engagement story - what went down!

"In the summer of 2019, we decided to go on an adventure together and move to London, UK with our respective jobs. And, after one hell of a year with the pandemic (and many canceled trips and proposal attempts according to Evan), he planned an epic London proposal. He asked me to marry him in front of the iconic Tower Bridge in November 2020 and we spent the evening popping champagne, calling our friends & family, and ordering room service in our amazing suite at the Hotel Cafe Royale overlooking the beautiful Christmas lights on Regent Street. It was super romantic and I was so surprised!"

Can you tell us about your wedding plans?

"We're getting married in June 2022 at Villa La Selva Wine Resort with a fantastic team behind us! We're so excited to bring all of our favourite people together in Italy for our wedding and to experience the food, culture, and our passion for travel! It's a dream come true."

Thanks so much to the wonderful Stefanie & Evan for sharing her engagement story with us! You can see more from Stefanie on Instagram @stephspagnolo

Just got engaged and not sure where to start? Here’s how to kick things off on the path to the Italian wedding of your dreams.

Written by Beth Butler, marketing person and lover of all things weddings; with a particular passion for beautiful photography, muted florals and a good cup of tea.


Epic engagements: real-brides tell their story


Epic engagements: real-brides tell their story